• Friday 27 October - 2023
  • 20 years old

Afroinstitutionen x Oceanen: SPACES Curated by Mariama Jobe

Written words allow you to travel to mental and physical spaces from wherever you are. In the series SPACES Afroinstitutionen and Oceanen invites visitors to explore the connection between narrative and physical spaces. What does it mean for different authors to create spaces narratively and how can we use the tools of fiction to reinvent the physical spaces of our daily lives? In this series Afroinstitutionen invites authors, poets and creatives to turn Oceanen into clusters of different spaces connecting literature, representation and art.

The last event of the series SPACES is curated by the author and poet Mariama Jobe Mariama Jobe who will host a storytelling seminar with interactive writing workshops. There’ll also be disposable cameras on location so that the event can be documented in present time by those participating. We’ll provide materials for the participants such as writing pads & pens (feel free to bring your own). In he background she’ll play African-inspired music and have a hair braider on as well, as she believes that braiding is a form of storytelling and a way of manifesting blackness in different spaces.

About Mariama Jobe
Mariama Jobe is a certified project manager and culture worker, as well as a praised storyteller. She has stood on stages such as The royal theatre, Riksteatern, The culture house in Stockholm city and the Nobel museum. Jobe is the author of the books Sannu, Imane and the anthology A Black Girl’s handbook. Last year she held the writing school Ocean Blues together with Streetgäris and Bonnier’s family foundation, which gave room for waves of women and queer to strengthen their literary abilities.

Full program will be added shortly. 

Om Afroinstitutionen:

Afroinstitutionen är en förening baserad i Göteborg som fungerar som en mötesplats för svarta personer*. Vårt mål är att stärka, läka och lyfta svarta personer, att skapa gemenskap och bygga community, att sprida kunskap, att bekämpa anti-svart rasism, och att hylla Svarthet i all dess mångfald. Vi vill fungera som en hub som kan stötta olika typer av projekt som drivs av medlemmar. Kontakta oss för att driva projekt via Afroinstitutionen, ta del av vårt nätverk och få olika typer av stöttning.

*Afrosvenskar, afrikansvenskar och svarta personer med bakgrund från den afrikanska kontinenten eller den afrikanska diasporan. Läs mer på www.afroinstitutionen.com.

SPACES is made possible with support from Statens Kulturråd.



The Cultural Center Oceanen is a Q-marked culturally historical building, which is challenging when it comes to accessibility. We do our best to have as many people as possible visit us. When visiting us with mobility aids the best-suited entrance is through the stage. This entrance is accessed via Gathenhielmska trädgården. The entrance is locked, please email us the day before your visit or the latest Friday at 16:00 if you are visiting us during the weekend. We have a wheelchair-accessible bathroom. Please note that flashing lights may occur during concerts and events. For questions regarding accessibility email Mia Herman at mia@oceanen.com.

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